
发布时间:2024-12-12 22:30:01     浏览:350

本文摘要:“Can I tell if my son has been using marijuana with this?” asks 9to5Mac‘s Seth Weintraub at the end of the first video attached below.“有了这个小玩意儿,我就能告诉儿子否仍然在大麻大麻?

“Can I tell if my son has been using marijuana with this?” asks 9to5Mac‘s Seth Weintraub at the end of the first video attached below.“有了这个小玩意儿,我就能告诉儿子否仍然在大麻大麻?”9to5Mac博客作者赛斯o维特劳伯在一段视频的结尾处问道。What he’s taped is a demo by Sam De Brouwer, co-founder of Scanadu, of two prototype iPhone accessories the Silicon Valley-based startup brought to CES last week:在他参予录音的这段视频中,硅谷初创公司Scanadu牵头创始人山姆o德o布劳维特地讲解了两款iPhone辅助设备原型。上周,这家公司在拉斯维加斯CES展上展出了这两款产品。

Scout, a device that records such vital measurements as body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygenation, respiratory rate, ECG, and diastolic/systolic blood pressure and enters them into the iPhone via BlueToothScout是一款随身携带医疗装置。它可以测量人体关键身体健康参数,比如体温、心率、血氧浓度、排便频率、心电图、血压,并把这些数值通过蓝牙传输到iPhone手机上。Scanaflo, an iPhone-ready home urinalysis strip that measures levels of glucose, protein, leukocytes, nitrites, blood, bilirubin, urobilinogen, microalbumin, creatinine, ketone, specific gravity and pH. Levels are recorded as colors and input via the iPhone’s camera.oScanaflo是一款可以相连到iPhone的尿液检测装备。


